
Real Accounts from our Network of Journalists in the Field

  • Man flees from life as a fetish priest in Ghana

    In July 2007, a Ghanaian Telecom manager was chosen to be a new fetish priest. These traditional leaders worship and serve gods within traditional shrines. Some shrines are known to commit human rights atrocities; in observing this, the Telecom manager rejected the position – as a violation of his Christian belief and human rights –

  • Sierra Leonean journalist wins human rights award

    Rachel Horner, a Sierra Leonean and jhr-trained journalist, was honored in 2008 with a jhr award for outstanding performance and lasting contribution to the field of investigative and human rights reporting in Sierra Leone. She was also selected to attend an international conference on Global Investigative Journalism in Norway. Horner, also the Secretary General of

  • jhr funds project to bring domestic violence awareness to rural communities in Africa

    In addition to training local journalists on human rights reporting, as a part of our programming overseas, jhr provides grants to local African NGO’s as a way of advancing local growth.   In 2009 jhr funded a campaign on the prevention of domestic violence in collaboration with the Sierra Leone Red Cross Society. The SLRCS

  • Reporting that Rebuilt a School in Liberia

    When jhr-trained journalist Garmonyou Wilson saw the treacherous conditions of a mission school in Gbarpolu, he was moved act. He knew the rights of children were being violated; the safety hazard s of a crumbling infrastructure meant that many children were turned away and left with no alternative school to attend for hours in each

  • jhr-inspired documentary suspends harmful blasting in Sierra Leone

    In 2009 the local road authority in Sierra Leone hired a Chinese construction company to conduct explosions in a quarry, south of the city of Bo. The explosions created large cracks and collapsed roofs in many homes in a nearby village. Local villagers complained of mental and physical distress because of the blasting.   Unconfirmed

  • jhr trained journalist improves voter education in Sierra Leone

    During the first round of Sierra Leone’s 2007 presidential and parliamentary election, 7.3% of the 1.9 million votes cast were considered invalid. jhr-trained journalist, Ibrahim Tarawallie reported at The Concord Times that this number was unreasonably high compared to other post-conflict countries: Liberia at 3%, Ghana at 2% and Iraq at 1%. The National Electoral

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