
Our Work Needs Funding More Now Than Ever

In a world where Human Rights are Increasingly Under Threat, your Donation Makes a Crucial Difference

We train journalists to report on human rights and governance issues, spotlighting stories that need to be heard. Your support helps us empower these journalists, ensuring that human rights remain at the forefront of global conversation.

We value transparency and accountability. Every donation contributes to our various programs, from training workshops in conflict zones to supporting media development in underserved communities. Your contribution is not just a donation; it’s an investment in a world where information is power, and journalism is the defender of human rights.


80% Programs
12% General + Administration
8% Development + Fundraising

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Donate via cheque

Please send cheque donations to:
Journalists for Human Rights
401 Richmond Street West, Studio 378
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5V 3A8

We accept donations of stock and securities

When you donate publicly traded shares directly to JHR, you pay no tax on the capital gains, and you receive a tax receipt for the full market value of the gift.