
Real Accounts from our Network of Journalists in the Field

  • New Hope for Accra’s Most Notorious Slum

    jhr-led Magazine Sets Agenda for a Brighter Future in Ghana’s Old Fadama   On June 4th, 2011, jhr (Journalists for Human Rights) collaborated with students from the African University College of Communications (AUCC) to launch Faces of Old Fadama, a magazine created to put a human face on the largest “slum” in Ghana. Attended by

  • Staffing a Northern Clinic in Ghana

    By Martin Aseidu Dartey & Shawn Hayward, Citi FM, Ghana   For two years, the clinic in Dzogadze, Ghana, had not had a nurse on staff. The closest hospital is eight miles away on a dirt road that is impassable when it rains.   When jhr intern Shawn Hayward heard about this, he knew it

  • Fostering a Community Crime Watch in Liberia

    In mid-October 2010, The Heritage reporter Eugene Myers and jhr trainer Aaron Leaf produced an article about vigilante groups that play a role helping out the Liberian police force in rural areas. Leaf and Myers’ research into the Liberian penal code’s laws against kidnapping and false imprisonment found that many actions of the police-sanctioned citizen

  • jhr’s IYIP interns in Ghana and Malawi: A journey in rights media

    by Pia Bahile   Getting There “By the time you get on the plane, you’ve worried yourself out,” says Jessica McDiarmid. “You’re just like, ‘Whatever happens, happens.” That’s how McDiarmid recalls July 8, the day that she left Canada for Ghana with nine other young journalists. The ten young people were on their way to

  • Media pushes for investigations against police in multiple shootings

    On April 21, 2006, four people were shot dead in a police chase to catch alleged robbers in another car. Apparently, the local police shot the victims of the crime rather than the perpetrators. One month later another boy was shot in front of his home by police in yet another pursuit to catch robbers.

  • Photographers take to the streets of Sierra Leone

    In August 2009, jhr’s former Country Director in Sierra Leone, Stephen Douglas, met the Indigenous Photographers Union of Sierra Leone, a group of 60 photographers hoping to learn more about photography as a career. Douglas began conducting workshops on photographic technique, composition, business and ethics and ended the class with a field trip through town.

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