Join Journalists for Human Rights this Holiday Season as we #CelebrateTheDisruptors of 2020.
Throughout this holiday season we will share stories from across the globe of Disruptors: those who, in 2020, have had the courage to highlight the social divides the pandemic has exposed, and push for better.
For our #GivingTuesday this year, we are highlighting the incredible work Sandra Safi Bashengazi is doing in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Sandra is a Congolese journalist, trainer and filmmaker living in Bukavu in eastern DRC. She is also co-founder and director of the Technical School of Journalism and focuses her work on the advancement of female journalists in DRC. In the DRC, only 34% of journalists working in the media are women and of those who do manage to become journalists, very few occupy positions of power in the media. In the province of South Kivu only 14% of senior positions in the media are occupied by women.
Yet Sandra persisted. She co-founded a school for journalism and mentored women and student journalists. One of the stories she mentored helped put Frederick Bitumike, a parliamentarian responsible for mass rape in Eastern DRC, behind bars.
This is why the work Sandra does at the Technical School of Journalism is so important. With YOUR support Sandra can continue to provide proper training to female journalists in DRC.
YOU can help us make a difference! Click here to donate TODAY!
Thank YOU for helping Sandra and female journalists across the world to speak up.