
Tag: Sierra Leone

  • Reporting on Rights in Freetown gets a major boost

    Betty Milton is a print reporter working with the Awoko newspaper in Freetown, Sierra Leone. Recently Betty took part in a Journalists for Human Rights workshops series that has helped shape her career as a journalist. ‘Journalists really need to know about human rights and gender issues,’ said Milton. ‘With the workshops, I learned how

  • JHR tackles electoral coverage in West Africa

    William Yaw Owusu is a journalist with Ghana’s Daily Guide newspaper, based in Accra. Recently, he returned from an exchange trip to Sierra Leone, organized by JHR and sponsored by the Commonwealth Foundation. Prior to the trip, he had hosted visiting journalists from Sierra Leone in his newsroom in Accra.   According to Yaw Owusu,

  • Securing Funds for the Disabled Community in Sierra Leone

    Tamba Tengbeh is a jhr trained radio journalist at Cotton Tree News, a community radio station in Freetown, Sierra Leone.   Recently, under the guidance of jhr trainers Damon van der Linde and Jessica McDiarmid, Tengbeh had been investigating stories in Sierra Leone’s disabled community. Through his investigation he discovered that the government had never

  • Educational trips to Bunce Island in Sierra Leone hope to attract tourism of the slave port

    For many years, Bunce Island – the main slave port from Sierra Leone to North America and Europe – has been left in ruins. Sierra Leoneans consider the island a source of pride because of all the survivors of slavery but upon searching the grounds, journalists, students and teachers see that Bunce Island could use

  • Photographers take to the streets of Sierra Leone

    In August 2009, jhr’s former Country Director in Sierra Leone, Stephen Douglas, met the Indigenous Photographers Union of Sierra Leone, a group of 60 photographers hoping to learn more about photography as a career. Douglas began conducting workshops on photographic technique, composition, business and ethics and ended the class with a field trip through town.

  • Q & A: Why One Overseas Trainer Decided To Continue Giving Back

    Interview conducted by Aileen Doyle, 2010 Greg Crompton is a former jhr trainer who worked in Sierra Leone. Since his return to Canada Mr Crompton has become one of jhr’s major donors. I sat down with Mr Crompton to find out more about his experience overseas, and what motivated him to continue his support for