
Tag: NED

  • JHR trains CSOs in Mali to champion women’s rights in the media

    In Mali, many women’s rights organizations lack tools for effective media relations, leaving their critical work unnoticed. A recent survey of 24 CSO leaders by Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) in Mali revealed that 92% had no media strategy, and 75% didn’t know how to run a successful media campaign. This lack of visibility is

  • The Significance of JHR’s Impact on the Ongoing Transition Reforms Process

    In a significant step towards progress, the Transitional Government of Mali recently adopted the National Youth Policy and its 2023-2027 action plan, paving the way for the Youth Representation Law. This law is aimed at enhancing the inclusion and participation of young people in public governance and sustainable development. The Youth Representation Act stands as

  • MALI: JHR trainee Aminata Sanogo wins award for article investigating Law 052

    Aminata Sanago receives her award on December 18, which marked the third anniversary of the introduction of Law 052. JHR trained journalist Aminata Sanago has been awarded the prize for best article and blog by the Association of Women for Progress -AFP/Danayaton for her report ‘Quota law in Mali: women are still victims’. Aminata received