media freedom
Free reproductive health and family planning services were offered at the bus stations of Sébénicoro and Sogonico in Bamako during the weeklong campaign With support from the Fund for Innovation and Transformation (FIT), JHR and Young Ambassadors for Reproductive Health and Family Planning (JA RH/FP) conducted a week-long awareness campaign for Sexual and Reproductive Health
media freedom
Funded by Global Affairs Canada, our Mobilizing Media to Fight COVID-19 (MMFC) program held workshops with the Ministry of Health and Social Development in Mali last month, where 17 journalists and bloggers were trained on the National Strategy for Immunization and the Fight against COVID-19. The attendees learned about public health measures against COVID-19, the
media freedom
Media executives in Mali have signed a formal pledge to improve coverage of SRHR issues in their organizations – Photo: JHR Mali On February 10, JHR-Mali brought together 13 media executives for a consultation meeting at the Azalaï Salam Hotel in Bamako to exchange best practices for enhancing gender equity in newsrooms and improving coverage
Participants of the national workshop on Mali’s press laws, held from October 11 to 14 – JHR Mali Since the introduction of democracy in Mali in 1991, the country’s media sector has seen rapid growth. At the same time, the media landscape is marred with violations against freedom of the press and serious breaches
Estonia Morocco Ethiopia The Philippines BIPOC Youth Journalism Fellowship Poland Latvia Lithuania South Sudan Pakistan The Democratic Republic of Congo Tunisia Kenya Canada Iraq Afghanistan Lebanon Mali Turkey