
Tag: Journalism

  • KENYA: Anti-trafficking NGO donated three-storey building

    The Counter Human Trafficking Trust – East Africa (CHTEA) has been donated a three-storey building after Judie Kaberia, former Gender Lead of JHR’s Canada World Program in Kenya and now ED of Association of Media Women In Kenya (AMWIK), wrote about the organization’s severely under-resourced efforts to provide refuge to 120 Ugandan women who were

  • JHR Mali celebrates quality human rights journalism at inaugural awards

    On June 26, 2021, JHR Mali, in partnership with la Maison de la Presse, l’Union des Radios et Télévisions Libres du Mali, and l’École Supérieure de Journalisme et des Sciences de la Communication de Bamako, held the first edition of the Human Rights Journalism Awards in Bamako, celebrating the work of two professional journalists and

  • TUNISIA: JHR trainee highlights the deteriorating state of public healthcare during the COVID-19 pandemic

    On June 15, 2021, Kashfmedia published an article by JHR trainee Kawthar Alcheibi, in which she highlighted the dire condition of the public hospitals in the governate of Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia. After her article was published, a government minister visited the hospital to take note of the grievances of the doctor interviewed for the story.

  • J-School Curriculum: Reporting in Indigenous Communities

    It is incumbent upon journalism programs in Canada to ensure that future generations of journalists have the knowledge they need to report respectfully and accurately on Indigenous stories. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Call to Action #86 states: “We call upon Canadian journalism programs and media schools to require education for all students on the

  • WEBINAR MMFC: Comment aider les femmes à faire face aux conséquences socio-économiques de la Covid-19 au Mali?

    Comment aider les femmes à faire face aux conséquences socio-économiques de la Covid-19 au Mali? Webinar de Mai 18, 2021 Cette question a été discutée au cours d’un webinar organisé par JHR entre un groupe de femmes entrepreneures et la Directrice du Fonds d’appui à l’Autonomisation des Femmes et à l’Epanouissement des Enfants (FAFE) du

  • Call for Proposals, Misinformation Project $3,000 Reporting Bursaries

    Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) and 16 journalist trainers recently held a series of training workshops on media literacy and digital investigation for Canadian journalists. We are now offering one-time bursaries of $3000 CDN. Successful applicants will receive a bursary to produce original and timely reporting on stories related to online misinformation. The Misinformation Project