Day 5
I’ve settled back into my favourite new workspace – the rooftop terrace. In typical polite and eager to please Jordanian fashion, they opened it up just for me, even though it didn’t officially open until 6pm.
Today’s a day of preparation. In two days, I’ll be conducting my first of three workshops on advanced human rights reporting and the art of info graphics.
Sounds complicated, but I’m trying to make it as easy to understand as possible, which is proving to be no easy task.
Before I left for Jordan, I met with our team to learn just what an info graphic is, and how to put them together.
It’s not something I necessarily do day-in and day-out at CTV, so it was an initial challenge before I even started the work on the ground.
I quickly learned that it just takes a bit of perseverance, and at times, the team holding my hand and walking me through it.
Now that I’m on my own in Amman, I’ve created a Power Point to help keep the workshop interesting and interactive. I haven’t had to do one of these since high school, so it was another task of picking it back up again. Needless to say, it really was like riding a bike again, no sweat!
When it came to what the online team had taught me, that was another story. It’s been an interesting process having to teach things that I’m just learning myself. I’m proud to say, though, that if I put my mind to it, I can probably do just about anything.
I think solo travel and new experiences really teach you these things about yourself, so it was nice to finally feel like I was getting things accomplished.
Up on the rooftop, I played around with Google Spreadsheets, taught myself how to create heat maps, charts and graphs of all kinds, and a few other info graphic tools that I’ll be teaching everyone at the workshop on Wednesday. Who knew how much Google had to offer!
Day 6
The set-up has officially begun in the meeting room at Landmark Hotel. I met with Mohammed early this evening to put everything together.
The table is set, with place cards to mark, where people will sit, and the learning will start. It feels like the morning before Christmas, so I thought a little carol-themed poem would be appropriate!
With the only snag being that I need an extension cable for my MacBook to plug into the projector, I’d call the set-up day a success!
I’ll be teaching in English, but each participant will have a headset and microphone in front of them. JHR has hired a group of professional translators – sound booth and all – to translate my entire workshop over the three-day period.
I’m kind of nervous and anxious to see how that process will go. I’m sure it’ll be challenging to teach a subject that’s new to me in a language that my participants aren’t necessarily fluent in.
But we’ll see how that all goes, no use worrying about it tonight.
Tomorrow will be here soon enough, and we’ll adjust if necessary – that’s the name of the game any day that I’m producing with CTV National News, so why should it be any different in this exciting adventure.
Until tomorrow, wish me luck!