Through our UNDEF-funded program Strengthening Independent Media in the Arab Region, JHR has supported the production of the first season of the Green Economy radio show in Iraq.
JHR-trained journalist Nora Al-Sultan worked with environmental consultant Adel Al-Mukhtar to produce on-air forums on local environmental issues, in support of Al-Mukhtar’s ongoing campaign ‘Our Iraq Is Calling for Help’.
In addition to raising awareness about the environment among the mainstream, the show pressures the government to more effectively play its role in mitigating the effects of climate change in Iraq. In one episode, Minister of Environment Dr. Jassim Abdulazeez Humadi stressed the need to resource his department properly. His young team is full of great ideas, he said, but lacks the budget to execute the work needed.
Water and agricultural experts and environmental activists have said that content on climate change is missing from the Iraqi airwaves and is direly needed. JHR looks forward to continuing our support of this vital initiative.