With support from Global Affairs Canada, JHR has been training journalists since June 2020 to counter COVID-19 misinformation in 12 countries across sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East. The Mobilizing Media to Fight COVID-19 program is set to run for another year, up till February 2023, with a further $700,000 contribution from GAC enabling us
On January 31, the Media Freedom Coalition handed its co-chair position over from the UK and Canada to Canada and the Kingdom of Netherlands with an online panel discussion on the effects of the pandemic on independent journalism. Canada and the UK invited JHR Executive Director Rachel Pulfer to share her views on the topic; she
The Taliban takeover of Afghanistan set off a panicked exodus from Kabul and other cities. As the US and allied forces scrambled to pull out before the August 31 deadline, thousands upon thousands of Afghans confronted perilous odds in their attempts to flee the country. Canada has committed to resettling up to 20,000 Afghans.
Two experienced actors in the promotion and protection of women and girls discussed on the issue to better inform malian populations in local language about women’s rights in a country where more than 14,234 people were victims of Covid-19 with 520 deaths at the date of June 08. It was during one of the series
In Mali, COVID-19 seriously affected women’s right to social security. In order to talk about the issue and better inform the general public, employers and decision makers for improving access to women rights, JHR organized an interactive on-air forum. Aired by Radio ENERGY FM in Bamako, a JHR media partner in the country, this program
The impact of COVID-19 on children’s education By El Hassan Mohamed El Hussein Like the rest of the world, Mauritania has suffered from the Corona crisis, and the social life of people has been affected by the closure and the imposition of curfews, which has exacerbated the suffering, especially the suffering of low-income people. After
Estonia Morocco Ethiopia The Philippines BIPOC Youth Journalism Fellowship Poland Latvia Lithuania South Sudan Pakistan The Democratic Republic of Congo Tunisia Kenya Canada Iraq Afghanistan Lebanon Mali Turkey