
Topic: Uncategorized

  • What makes you a photojournalist?

    Think of a car crash. Smoke billowing, sirens flashing, pebbled-sized pieces of glass surrounding the twisted metal of the vehicle.   Now, imagine what is happening 300 metres away from that crash scene. Likely nothing, right? Should that be photographed as well?   This is a simplified example of an argument photojournalists have come up

  • Night for Rights, a huge success

    Human rights and journalism were celebrated in top-notch style at JHR’s 10th anniversary Night for Rights Gala in Toronto on September 27th.   The event, held at the Royal Ontario Museum amid dinosaur skeletons and ancient sculptures, brought together over four hundred JHR supporters from the media, law, politics, and business communities and raised over $80,000

  • Man flees from life as a fetish priest in Ghana

    In July 2007, a Ghanaian Telecom manager was chosen to be a new fetish priest. These traditional leaders worship and serve gods within traditional shrines. Some shrines are known to commit human rights atrocities; in observing this, the Telecom manager rejected the position – as a violation of his Christian belief and human rights –