
Topic: Field Notes

  • MALI: JHR supports women’s inclusion in national reconciliation process

    JHR Project Manager Moro Siaka Diallo (far right) with Mahamadou Diouara, Head of the National Reconciliation Support Mission (MARN),  and Hadiara Kone, MARN Gender Expert  In order to improve women’s inclusion in the national reconciliation process in Mali, JHR collaborated with the Mission d’Appui à la Réconciliation Nationale (MARN, or National Reconciliation Support Mission) to

  • MALI: Bamako CSOs join hands with Health Ministry’s Immunization team to promote COVID vaccinations

    At a community event organized by JHR in Bamako, 127 women and girls participated in a dialogue about the necessity of COVID-19 vaccinations, led by a local women-focused CSO and Dr Ibrahim Diall, a doctor with the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene’s Immunization Section. After an hour-long discussion with the experts, as many as

  • Applications for the Afghan Journalists-In-Residence Project are now open

    June 3, 2022: Journalists for Human Rights (JHR) is launching a call for applications as part of its Afghan Journalist-in-Residence Project.  As part of the project, 10 Afghan journalists and media professionals will be offered paid placements with leading Canadian newsrooms such as CTV News, the Toronto Star, Canadian Press, Hamilton Spectator and Global News.

  • MALI: JHR’s SRHR-focused radio shows get positive reviews

      Since February 2022, JHR has produced 31 interactive radio programs to promote awareness about Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) in Mali. With support from the Fund for Innovation and Transformation (FIT), JHR has trained journalists to report on the issue and four radio partners are involved (Guintan, Renouveau FM, Savoir FM and IKA

  • DRC: Presidential advisor pledges support for draft law waiving court fees for SGBV survivors

    The office of the Presidential Advisor on Sexual Violence in the DRC held a two-day workshop on May 5-6 to discuss ways to support proposed laws to combat violence. This event, which took place after JHR’s advocacy efforts with the Presidency, brought together several NGOs and civil society organizations from Bukavu, Goma and Kinshasa. JHR

  • MALI: Missing journalists remembered at World Press Freedom Day conference

      To mark World Press Freedom Day, JHR partner Maison de la Presse du Mali held a conference on the state of press freedom during the ongoing transition period in Mali. The event was chaired by the High Authority for Communication (HAC) and the Ministry of Communication and was attended by journalists, schools of journalism,