Securing Funds from Children’s Aid in Ghana

In July of 2007, a young boy, who lived two hours from Radio Justice in Tamale, was chased out of his family’s home because he lost the family’s donkey. When he tried to return home, his uncle refused him saying that he may only go back if he finds the lost donkey. The boy decided to travel the two hours to Radio Justice in hopes of coverage and some assistance. After his story aired, Children’s Aid took the boy into their care and are providing him with education. Sam Mednick, a jhr-trainer also stated, “The story helped bring this issue to the forefront of the community, putting pressure on local police.” The original article which aired at Justice FM is currently unavailable.


Click on link below to listen to an interview, which aired on the Canadian show The Good Life. The Good Life Show discusses the young boy’s story with Sam Mednick, jhr-trainer, and Ramadan Abdul Razak, Ghanaian journalist for Justice FM in Accra.


Reporting from Tamale on The Good Life Show