As Kenya’s elections draw near, JHR is proud to support the political ambitions of women through media relations training. Dr Juliet Kimemiah is one of only two women political aspirants contesting for the county governor seat in Kiambu County against six male aspirants.
After attending JHR’s workshops on effective media engagement skills, Dr Juliet said, “I learned so many strategies in engaging the media and making the media work for me. And since that training, I think I have been in the media three days every week, both TV and radio, and even print.” Earlier this year, Dr Juliet was featured in The Daily Nation, one of the biggest media houses in Kenya, and The Star.
Dr. Kimemiah was also a panelist at the JHR Annual Human Rights and Media Conference 2021, where she spoke at length about the role of the media in advancing women’s inclusion and participation in the political processes. JHR is committed to working with local stakeholders to ensure that female political aspirants receive as much media coverage as their male counterparts, an important component of an inclusive democratic process.